As you
can see, this article is from the Nelson
Daily News from June of 1987 as I was finishing up my first round of
schooling in electronic engineering technology. I did end up
finding a job just a few days after this which is why all of the other
articles take place in Medicine Hat!

following three pictures are from a magazine article written about
the custom security system I created for the Medicine Hat College where
I was working as a computer tech at the time (who is that young kid in
the picture?)

After I
left the Medicine Hat College I worked for a while at DRES
(Defense Research Est. Suffield), then went back to school for my
computer science degree and then started Zanthic Technologies.

This is
Chamber of Commerce article from 1998. My wife JoAnne
and I spent many a day (and evening) at that bench, hand soldering
circuit boards.
This was a newspaper article in the
Medicine Hat News in 1999. Good thing I cleaned up my office
for the picture!

article about working from home. Sorry for the poor
condition of these, they have spent too many years curling on the
corkboard! And, what's with only one monitor, this was a long
time ago, wasn't it?

We won the Medicine Hat Chamber 1998 Exporter of the Year Award.
They recycled a previously used picture, I guess they thought we looked
good together!

article appeared in 2001. Where do they get these weird
quotes from? (business owners have nothing to fear but fear itself?!)

This was
a brief mention in the Chamber magazine
in March of 2002

Another article appearing in the Medicine Hat
News in January of 2003
Our spin
off company, Brightan Systems, won the Innovative and
Technology business of the year in 2004

Here is
the news article about the event. Calling it an
innovative approach to room lighting might have been missing the point,
but oh well... :-)
The following is a short article I wrote for the local Chamber magazine regarding our lighting system company.
Here's a
more recent article that appeared after teaching a course at
Medicine Hat College.
The following is an article that appeared in the M.H. News by Neha Jain from Apex Alberta
I have always been involved with a number of
local technology groups, this one being Apex Alberta